
Menampilkan postingan dari 2018


DJ Snake - Middle feat Bipolar Sunshine "I hope that i can turn back the time to make it all alright, all alright for us, I promise to build a new world, for us two, with you in the Middle " That's part of the lyrics of the song from DJ that came yesterday in DWP 2015. The meaning of this song really deep, sad if told but if not told you later on curious it, okay will I tell you. So the author wrote this song when he was upset, he made coffee to calm his mind, but the coffee was not drunk until it was cold, because he remembered someone in his past. He collided between love and love with the women or his current girlfriend. Formerly, before he invented with his current girlfriend, he has a woman, and the woman finally parted ways with her. He still keeps a sense of the woman even though now she has a boyfriend. He wished he could twist his time to correct his mistake so it failed to involve at the time, and his girlfriend is now placed in the ...


FaceTime Apple Discussing about the preferred application platform, I chose Apple FaceTime app to be the main ingredient in making this writing from the many applications spread across the Android / iOS platform. Where it is known that, FaceTime is the name of  video call technology made by Apple. It supports video calls and audio calls only between compatible devices. FaceTime was originally introduced by Apple on iPhone 4 in 2010, but now works on a number of Apple devices, including iPad, iPod touch, and Mac. FaceTime's core function is to let you video call or video call to other FaceTime users. FaceTime uses a digital camera facing the user on a compatible device to display the caller to the call recipient, and vice versa. Calls can be made between FaceTime compatible devices, from iPhone 8 to iPhone X, from Mac to iPhone, or from iPad to iPod touch. Unlike some other video call programs, FaceTime only supports video calls or person-to-person video calls, not group...


WINGKO BABAT SEMARANG (Cap Kereta Api) In addition to spring rolls, there is one more obligatory souvenirs when visiting Semarang. Wingko Babat become a typical snack this capital of Central Java.  Wingko, which is sometimes called Wingko Babat, Wiwingka ore Bibika (rev. De voeding in Nederlands-IndiĆ« 1904), is a traditional Javanese pancake-like snack made from coconut.  Wingko is typically a round, almost hard coconut cake that is typically served in warm, small pieces. Wingko is sold either in the form of a large, plate-sized cake or small, paper wrapped cakes. It's delicious due to the combined sweetness of sugar and the unique, fresh taste of crispy coconut. Wingko texture is soft, chewy, and slightly gives the impression sticky comes from sticky rice flour. The combination of coconut flavor, sugar, and glutinous flour on wingko "bewitch" culinary lover so as to give the impression "addicted" at the first and next bite. Which I feel wh...


CEK TOKO SEBELAH   (2016) Directed by : Ernest Prakasa Cek Toko Sebelah is a story about respecting the choice of life and having a strong idea of how a potential horizontal and internal conflict can be avoided if we are open to each other, open up a space of dialogue and give up personal egoism. The idea was conveyed through the frame of a Chinese family who had a head of the family with a stodgy outlook of life that in everyday life had been attached to the label, "every Chinese must be a merchant". Sysnopsis Erwin (Ernest Prakasa) enjoyed a glorious career at a young age, and had a beautiful lover who is equally successful, Natalie (Gisella Anastasia). But, all so complicated when Koh AFuk (Chew Kin Wah) whose health has worsened, wants to bequeath to Erwin store basic food needs, his beloved son. Therefore, Yohan (Dion Wiyoko) Erwin's older brother, furious because bypassed. As the eldest son who was more attentive to her parents, Yohan sure he and...


Perbankan Elektronik atau E-banking yang juga dikenal dengan istilah internet banking ini dapat di definisikan sebagai jasa dan produk bank secara langsung kepada nasabah melalui elektronik, saluran komunikasi interaktif. E-Banking meliputi sistem yang memungkinkan nasabah bank, baik individu ataupun bisnis, untuk mengakses rekening, melakukan transaksi bisnis, atau mendapatkan informasi produk dan jasa bank melalui jaringan pribadi atau publik, termasuk internet. Dari waktu ke waktu, semakin banyak bank yang menyediakan layanan atau jasa internet banking yang diatur melalui Peraturan Bank Indonesia No. 9/15/PBI/2007 Tahun 2007 tentang Penerapan Manajemen Risiko Dalam Penggunaan Teknologi Informasi Oleh Bank Umum .Dari pengertian ini,  dapat  didefinisikan secara sederhana bahwa   internet banking merupakan suatu bentuk pemanfaatan media internet oleh bank untuk mempromosikan dan sekaligus melakukan transaksi secara online, baik dari produk yang sifatnya konvensional...


Cryptocurrency tak bisa dilepaskan dari inovasi dan kemajuan teknologi digital yang tak dapat dibendung dan makin luas memengaruhi kehidupan manusia modern. Laju teknologi itu tak cuma terlihat dari aktivitas berselancar di internet dengan aplikasi Google misalnya. Lebih dari itu, teknologi digital juga menyentuh aspek mendasar--tanpa reduksi untuk menyebut sebagai satu-satunya kebutuhan utama masyarakat modern--dalam keseharian manusia, yakni uang sebagai alat tukar Kita tahu bahwa uang yang umumnya berlaku di dunia saat ini ialah uang fisik yang sudah kita kenal sejak pertama kali mendapat uang saku dari orangtua. Tapi rupanya, di dunia modern yang dinamis ini, selain uang fisik tersebut--entah dolar, rupiah, dinar, riyal, yen, atau yuan--ada pula uang dalam bentuk virtual yang disebut cryptocurrency.Secara harfiah, cryptocurrency mungkin bisa diurai dari kata cryptography (kriptografi/kode rahasia) dan currency (mata uang). Disebut demikian karena mata uang virtual itu dibuat den...


Penjebolan ATM atau skimming sebenarnya sudah lama terjadi, tidak hanya di Indonesia tapi juga di seluruh dunia. Bank-Bank di seluruh dunia terus berusaha menanggulangi kejahatan seperti ini. Yang jelas sistem keamanan harus bisa melampaui kelihaian para kriminal. Menurut Yanuar Rizky, pakar perbankan Indonesia, saat ini ada krisis kepercayaan nasabah dan bank-bank di Indonesia seharusnya mulai memperbaiki sistem keamanannya. Sistemik Dapat dijelaskan ada dua masalah inti yang mengawali banyaknya pembobolan bank semacam ini di Indonesia. Pertama adalah kurang diurusnya sistem perbankan. Dengan adanya kejadian seperti ini, inilah saatnya otoritas mengurus sistemik itu. Ini disebut sistemik real, karena kalau bank saja tidak dipercaya masyarakat krisis akan berlanjut ke masalah krisis perbankan seperti yang ditakutkan sekarang ini. Menurut Yanuar, seharusnya sekarang sudah ada pernyataan dari pemerintah atau Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan, bahwa masyarakat harus tenang. Jika uang hilang k...